Contribution of IRM in empowering women: Achieving SDG 5

Empowerment is defined as degree of independence and determination in the people or the communities which enables them in becoming stronger and confident in controlling one’s life and claiming ones’ rights.

However, Women empowerment is the promotion of feelings of self-worth in women, their ability to make their own choices/decisions and right to influence change in the society. This concept is not new and lately it has emerged as a global movement which continues to break new ground in recent years. This movement has become a fundamental key to the development of the world so much so that it has been included in the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Sustainable development goals are defined by” meets the demands of present while not compromising the future”.

Sustainable development is resting on 3 pillar namely social, economic and environmental protection where gender equality and women empowerment being the core of social development. But despite the progress, women face discrimination and violence in various parts of the world.

At IRM women are indeed being empowered and that is a sight not seen in many other organizations or workplaces. These initiatives to empower women and bring them on par with the level of men (who enjoy the privilege in this patriarchal society) show that IRM believes in equality of both genders and the element which makes us different in the workplace is the quality of work done by an individual. Such steps by the institution has made the female not only aware of their rights but it has served as a precedent and a model for many other organizations to follow.


Umer Asghar


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